8th September 2009
Hello My Love mistica.
I am so happy to have you in my life, its nice that you think about me
all the time. I understand if you had a problem with your mobile network
it happens, but dont get upset i still love you hehe.
Like i promised to you last night on Yahoo Chat, i would come home and
post a blog on your account.
I had a very busy day today at work, but i can tell you that there is never
a minute goes by that i dont think about you, you are in my mind all the time
i miss being with you mistica, to hold and kiss and to show you that i love
you and care so much, I LOVE YOU MISTICA
Tonight for my supper i will be cooking Bacon and eggs and toast, i know its a
breakfest meal, but i feel lazy tonight and dont feel like cooking something
big, just plain and simple.
I still have a pain in my back so after supper i will go relax in a hot bath
and soak. then i will go straight to bed and watch tv in my room untill
i fall asleep. but i will be thinking of you myti, hehe.
Anyway let me go now and i hope my beautifull darling and future wife to be
will love reading her blog when she awakes from her peacefull sleep.
love you myti
ps: chat my wednesday
I love you too honey! yezz speak later