Yesterday I was at Coco Beach Gumasa, Glan Sarangani Province together with Mary Ann (with her husband and son Euki 4 yrs old), Shella (with her 2 kids and her youngest sister Michelle), Amor (with her husband), and Genalin Cagas. We arrived at coco beach around 8 o’clock in the morning and the weather was a bit gloomy before afternoon. The beach was so windy and the seawater was very wavy but yet, we all have fun playing on it. Mary Ann’s son and Shella’s 2 kids weren’t afraid hanging with us swimming in the big waves. I even told Mary Ann’s son that I will be going to the deepest part of the sea to meet the sharks but yet, he still hang in my arms saying; ‘ oh yez I would like to see the sharks hehe’. My arms right now is very sore. I got a muscle pain in my right arm because Euki is so heavy. My face was so red after swimming the whole day. We enjoyed doing photo shooting and playing with the waves. I got also 3 scratches over my 2 legs from the coral stones when I accidentally hit my legs on it 3 times. There were also some moments that it made me suddenly stop and think of my darling John because of the certain places that reminds me of him when we were once there hanging together underneath the big tree by the shore. I miss my darling so much. Pictures at coco beach are available in my facebook if Shella and Amor will tag it to me. Below is the photo of my face that turned dark brown and the scratches I got over my legs.

Darling my love, I'm really sorry about what happened last friday because I forgot to turn my message tone back into 'bring me to love' tone after I change it into 'click tone'. I love you so much darling and I will always do. Just don't start the fire for I will make it big... hehe joke my love! I love you so much darling my love mmmmmwahhhhhh! I just got your sms right now saying you have just granted what I asked. heheh I love you darling mwahhh! speak later on skype.