Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Excited reading my darling's dream
Monday, October 26, 2009
A plan for conversion
Yesterday was Sunday my John wakes me up almost 6 am telling his waiting for me to get on. I only have an hour and half to talk to him since I chose to go to church by 7:30 am. I am so happy chatting with him yesterday. One of our conversations was about converting him into a roman catholic. And i'm glad he listened to me to have his Baptism, Confessions, Holy communion, and Confirmation as soon as he gets back here by this coming Feb. 2010. I want him to recieve the 4 sacraments that I already possesed so by the time we get married at there place we can chose the Roman Catholic church without any impediments. We planned to get married at the church instead of civil wed. It makes me more comfortable if incase we can't get married here in Phil. at least we already have a blessing from God since we'd been married to the church already. So then, I already have one major plan what to do when he gets here...hehe
To be honest, I'm a kind of a woman who rarely make a long plan. A plan made before a week or months or a year is not in my vocabulary. I usually do an instant planning... hehe I planned a day before or in an actual day. Although I do plan sometimes like a month or a year to have or do this and that but it's all depends on the situations. I don't like the feelings of dissapointment. Thats why I make plan only when its very close to the day before the event. At least, it is certainly gonna happen. But like I said, it all depends in the situations. Because there are also things that needs to planned more than a months to make it well organize.
Well, thats all I can share for now... I'm thinking when will my darling John gonna post the photos from Ibiza.. hehe and I'm also thinking if my John is dreaming of me now since it is late night in his time now... I will just imagine that im there in his room looking at him and whispering : Honey, I love you - are you dreaming of me now? hehe. Okies i'll sign off now.. I will speak to him tomorrow and tell him to memorize the Apostles creed, Our father, Hail Mary and Glory be as his requirements to recieve the 4 sacraments in roman catholic.
Later again.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I miss my john I love him lots
I was thinking lately about what other people see for their future. I can't imagine myself being worldly. I never think or dream of being so wealthy here on earth. I wanna be rich in good works and being humble so when times come that I need to return back my life to God, I will have this reward to live with Him in His kingdom which we called Heaven.
I live here on earth to survive all the trials that will possibly come along my way. When I met my boyfriend John, I had this directions in life to love him eternally and build a family with him and to raise our future offspring's in the right path and close to God. I dreamed to have a happy family of my own one day just like what I have in my family here. I want my children to grow with fear and high respect to God. I want them to put God in the center of their life. I want my darling john also to be close to God so even when we are in our everlasting life we will still be living together. hehe
Money is not everything like what my darling often said to me. If you have lots of it, some people would think or presumed negative about you or it might gonna change your personality into worst? But to think about it, why would you change into worst when you get rich? is that mean you let your self controlled over money? do you mean you are out of your self and you just let the earthly things manipulated you? and when you die? you will go directly to hell. So, would you prefer being a hypocrite when you get so wealthy? Money for me is just my slave not a thing that can control or manipulate to change me into having a bad attitude. So if I get rich, its just nothing for me. Money can't bug me up to change my being me. I wanna live in a humble life.
I'm getting sleepy.. i'll sign off now. I love you lots my Dearest John. Kisses mmwahhh! till then.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Just fine Sunday
Regardless of what I said just now, I wasn't thinking of updating my blog today since I don't have much to share for now. But when I read my darling's updates, it motivates me to post an updates too. I was smiling while reading his blog... It reminds me of a friend who also left her key inside her car... hehe my darling is getting forgetful.. I wonder where his mind flew.. It might be to somebody else.. hmmm joke! hehe. Sometimes I love to tease him during our chatting when I dont have something to tell like accusing him of having somebody else in his house...hehe I can see how his facial expressions reacted exaggely... hehe I just wanted to brake the ice. But I do trust him. There can't be love without trust in a relationship.
This morning I went at the church with my mom to hear a holy mass. Then later, I cleaned our rooms, wash my undies and fave shirts, took a shower afterwards, eat a little as my breakfast-lunch meal then I took a nap. When I woke up, I took my phone to sms him but my phone was flat. So I recharge it and wait until the battery gets full. If my darling did not tell me that he has an updates today, I might not post an updates here too because I was thinking he will update his blog later so I didn't turn on my pc this morning.
That's all for now... I'm getting sleepy... hehe I love you so much my darling John. Please tell Louise that I say happy birthday and I wish her all good things in life. Kisses my love mwahh! speak later.. wake me up.. hehe until then.....xxx
Saturday, October 17, 2009
from john
Friday, October 16, 2009
Happy and tired
Before lunch time, I went at Avon company to get the orders of my customers [ my two sis-in-laws and the housemaids. ] When I get there I was also surprised because I didn't expect there were lots of people in there. It took almost 5 hours before I reach at the cashier. I missed my lunched already good thing I ate my breakfast before I went there. When I get back home I already have a message from my darling. He sms me twice already. I was really so tired standing there at Avon co. waiting my turn. When I get home I rush to the kitchen and eat my lunch-supper meals then I replied to my darling's sms. I couldn't tell him why it took me so long to text him and about the parcel yet because it would take long sms if I would tell him exactly what happen to my day awhile ago... I dont have extra load for long sms... hehe and besides, tomorrow we will be chatting so I just decided to tell him during our chatting tomorrow..
Im going to sleep now.. I can't make this long Im so tired already.. I just wanna say, as usual, that I'm so in love with my darling john so much! I love you my love! kisses mwahh! see yah later in yahoo.. hehe gotta sleep now... thanks for the parcel my darling specially the photos and the maps please say thanks to your mom I like it so much.. It was indeed very nice.. okies im off now.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I love You honey
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Just a nice morning
This afternoon, I text's my Darling that I'm going to have a dinner at Mary Ann's house since its her birthday today. But the day was gloomy today and the rain stop time to time then it carry on. So I decided to stay in home instead and have dinner with my family. I was thinking of texting my Darling to tell him that I didn't go at Mary Ann's bday party, but part of my mind says, I will just mention it here in my updates and tell him tomorrow in our chatting that I didn't go. I miss my Darling John so much. And I love him lots. Im really so happy to have him in my life. I love you my honey...! I'm going to sleep now. Wake me up later when your on. Kisses mmwahh!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
I miss my Darling John so much
I'm about to sleep now and I decided to update my blog so my darling John has something to read when he gets home later. Speak to you later honey. I miss you so much.. I was been thinking of you and I want you to know that I love you so much more than words can tell. I'm missing you so so much. okies honey later again.... kisses mwahhhh!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
It's so nice to wake up in the morning and read a nice messages in my Darling's blog. Right after a woke up I turn on my pc get connected to internet then check my darling's updates. I dreamed of him which makes me get awake a bit early like nearly 6 am. I dreamed he was playing poker and I wasn't with him. When I fetch him, he stood up where he was sitting and approach towards me and gave me hugs and kiss. I ask him are you winning? he just gazed at me and smile a little. I knew the answer was 'no' so I ask his opponent how much he losses. They never answered me the amount but instead, an idiomatic answers. So my mind says, ok thats 500 then. It makes me frown for a bit and I told him, give me a minute to play so we can recover what you just loose. After saying it, I woke up and had a wee. I never sleep back again and decided to check his blog cause he told me yesterday that he'll gonna update his blog today. It gave's me smile after reading his updates. He told me to dream of him and I just did! hehe... I had a nice time chatting with him yesterday. I miss him so much and looking around his room makes me feel like i'd been there too... hehe
I don't have new photos to post here so I just pick up an old sweet photo of us. That photo was taken the day my darling arrives at Davao City, Phil. I remember he took so long to get out inside the airport building. All passengers are already gone but I couldn't still see him. My bam got sore waiting for him to walk out. It took an hour before he showed up and it makes me so happy seeing him again personally. That was indeed so overwhelming happiness to hug him and kiss him again for real. He was in trouble for an hour inside the airport building due to his negligence... hehe whatever it is, it was his fault... hehe okies enough. I dunno what to do today yet but doing house chores is part of my daily routine. I love you lots my darling John. Speak tomorrow. I miss you as usual and always... I love you soooooooooo much! kisses mmwahhh! adios for now..!